Intro: This one was
from 7/21. I still have a ton of blog
content from the end of the summer. I’m
going to start updating the blog every other day. It’s the only way I’m going to catch up on
the content.
I’m struck by how sick the poor
bastards were prior to leaving. They
were so upset about leaving their families that they didn’t sleep for the 4
nights before the trip. Charlie (a very accomplished rider) dropped his bike twice on departure day.
![]() |
“When you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and mption” |
I live and breathe my family. Not a day goes by that I don’t look at my
wife and realize how wonderful she is and how lucky I am.
Take the feelings I have for my wife and multiply them
tenfold for my kids. I could probably
write it out but I would need more time to create the symbols and syntax. I’ll get to it in a later entry, for now, my
kids are my reason for everything.
That’s it.
There is no fucking way that I could voluntarily leave my
family for two weeks. As usual, my wife
had the solution:
“We would need to ride with you somehow. I can’t stand the thought of you being away
from us that long”.
And just like that the possible solution to several problems
started to work themselves out in my head.
She and the kids will meet up with me several times on the trip and then
at the end in Key West. I’ll trailer the
bike in Miami and we’ll all drive home together. This way it’s an adventure for everyone and
it gives us all a reason to get excited about the planning.
Just today my son asked what kind of bike he would be riding
on the trip. I had to tell him that I
would do the riding and that he would have to ride with me. His response?
I hadn’t even thought about doing it that way until
today. All of these things that seem
like they are problems, seem to turn into opportunities to make the trip better
and more meaningful. I’m so glad
everyone will be involved. Makes the
whole thing matter.
There are still some big problems with all of this. Money is one.
I intentionally haven’t sat down to crunch the numbers on all of
this. It will be a family vacation so I
don’t mind spending some saved cash. The
problem is that I am also planning on buying another bike with that money
(among many responsible things) and I don’t really want to skimp on the
rig. Given the cost, I may have to skip
the adventure bike and ride my VTX. I’m
okay if it comes to that but it’s not my first choice. Ah fuck it.
I’m not worrying about this right now.
Nothing to be done.
- Lay out the days. Schedule the rough route for each day and the logistical notes that will let Jules and kids travel at least some of the way with me. Start locking this framework down so we can get excited as the months melt away.
- Work on the gear list.
- Start acquiring the gear.
- Practice packing